Where can I find my compensation increase report
Question: How do I find my compensation increase report?
Answer: As per OHIP Bulletin 11218, the Compensation Increase Report will be delivered to your MCEDT. You will have to log in to your Go Secure account to access this report.
Here are the instructions:
1. Log into your Go Secure account
2. Click "Download"
3. Find the Compensation Increase Report (File type: CIR)
4. Click "Download"
5. A .txt file will be saved to your local drive
The total amount of the increase payments can be found on the monthly payment reports (December 2019 and April 2020) by going to:
1. REPORTS & FORMS -> Basic Reports -> Claim Summary Payment for the current month report, or
2. REPORTS & FORMS -> Advanced Reports -> Claim Summary Payment -> Select the month to view the previous month reports.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the report, please contact the MoH (toll-free number: 1-800-262-6524) for advice.