What does "Adjusted Payment" mean?
What does "Adjusted Payment" in the lookup claim table mean?
A claim with 'Adjusted Payment' status means that it was processed by the MoH but paid above or below the submitted value. If you click on the claim/accounting ID, you are able to open the claim and confirm the amount paid.
You can review a detailed summary of a monthly payment by reviewing the claim summary payment report.
Go to Reports & Forms->Advanced Reports-> Claim Summary Payment->Select Month yr->submit
If you don't believe you were paid accordingly, you can contact MOH at their toll free number 1-800-262-6524) for more clarification or submit RA inquiry.
Please follow this link with information on Reconciliation about how to review this report.
Also I have included a link to our reconciliation guide for your reference, more details on paid claims.
Reconciliation Manual